Cher's Chinchillas N Hedgehogs
We Have Hedgehogs Too


Chers's Toy Poodles
Newbies - Soon Available
Caring for Your Chin
We Have Hedgehogs Too


We also raise hedgehogs and have the little guys in an assortment of colors. We have snowflakes, apricots, cinnamons, pinto, albinos and of course standards. We sell for $40 to $75 depending on color and sex and age. All are hand-held from about four weeks of age. Excuse the bedding:)

Our hedgies can also be shipped for the same cost as our chinchillas. Please call or e-mail if want to receive more information. Hedgehogs are fun and easy to care for ...a great alternative to guinea pigs, rabbits and hamsters.

Thanks again for visiting with us!!! Cher :)


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